Overview about the Orthopedic department
Orthopedic department is considered one of the main and oldest departments at Ain Shams University hospitals. It was founded by a number of leading pioneers in all fields of orthopedics and trauma surgery. It is a tertiary referral center located in the center of Cairo, receiving thousands of cases per year and treats more than 10,000 cases annually. The department has an effective role in teaching, conferences, research and medical convoys. It includes highly skilled orthopedic surgeons, teaching staff and their related facilities in three major hospitals. Our department is keen to follow up-to-date treatment guidelines and develop its equipment and facilities with an aim to provide excellence in clinical care to our patients and teaching services for trainees.
Prof. Dr. ElZaher Hassan ElZaher
Head of The Department
Main Staff
Prof. Dr. ElZaher Hassan ElZaher
Head of Orthopedic department, Ain Shams University AOTMENA chairman E mail: zaherzed@med.asu.edu.eg zaherzed@gmail.com
Prof. Dr. Mohmmed Abdel Rahman
Head of Hip arthroplasty and orthopedic tumor management unit E mail: tumorman2002@gmail.com mohamedabdelrahman@med.asu.edu.eg
Prof. Dr. Amr Abdel Hady
Head of Knee, Shoulder Surgeries and sports medicine unit E mail: DrAmr_sharaf@med.asu.edu.eg
Prof. Dr. Salah AbuSeif
Head of pediatric orthopedics and limb reconstruction unit E mail: drsalahseif@med.asu.edu.eg
Prof. Dr. Magdy Gamal
Head of spine surgery unit E mail: Migospine67@yahoo.com magdygamal@med.asu.edu.eg
Prof. Dr. Ayman Hewaidy
Head of hand and foot surgery unit e-mail: aymanhewaidy@med.asu.edu.eg aymanhowidy@gmail.com
Yearly Conferences
The department organizes about 25 annual events including conferences and specialized workshops and training sessions in each specialty, subspecialty as well as in the field of trauma.
Many conferences are held in collaboration with the Egyptian orthopedic association and other international organizations.
Training opportunities
Postgraduate studies : MSc and MD degrees
The department gives the master and MD certification every six months after fulfilling the period of training and completing the training log-book.
-special requirements?
-Egyptians/ Non-Egyptians
The international relations and student exchange department organizes training programs for Non-Egyptians. Every candidate will be attached to a department staff who organizes the training curriculum in detail.
Visiting residents (long-term training):
The department receives a number of visiting residents. After applying for a master degree in the faculty of medicine, Ain Shams University, the resident can receive a six-month duration residency program which can be renewed.
- short-term fellowship (Training Mobility)
- Our department is a recognized center for AO and SICOT fellowships
- Training Center Email training@med.asu.edu.eg
Contact info
- Orthopedic department
Secretarial email address: ortho_office@med.asu.edu.eg
Head of department email address: ortho@med.asu.edu.eg
- Fellowships