Enrollment for postgraduate studies for the academic year for Egyptian students 2022/2023
Please Read the instructions well
- You must apply for enrollment in postgraduate studies electronically through the university’s electronic platform UMS, and any other method of admission is not considered. The link to apply online is at the end of the page, along with a video explaining the steps to apply.
- All students must write all the data on the site carefully, because any error or negligence in writing the data will lead to the cancellation of the application.
- An amount of 500 Egyptian pounds is paid as a fee for opening a file electronically only and acceptance is not considered final unless approved by the Department Council and the College Council and cannot be refunded.
- Members of the teaching staff, assistant staff, resident physicians, and workers at Ain Shams University hospitals are exempted from fees for opening the file.
- Please read carefully the requirements for the program (degree) to which you want to apply [ Graduate studies list 2016 ] – [ Student Guide ]>
- All students, after registering on the website, must print Form No. C And complete all the data in it and bring all the documents in a file and submit it to postgraduate studies, during the period from 1/11/2022 to 31/12/2022This is for doctors who are not nominated by the Ministry of Health in my degree Masters and Diploma
- As for the doctors nominated by the Ministry of Health, registration is not done on the website at the present time, but they only make sure that their names are included in the lists of the Ministry of Health mission, with regard to the two degrees Masters and Diploma
- And about MD Registration takes place on the website, all required papers and accompaniments are brought, and all papers are submitted in postgraduate studies during the period from 1/11/2022 to 31/12/2022
Important Notes
- No registration on the website without submitting papers at the Department of Postgraduate Studies during the period from 1/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 is not valid.
- File opening fees cannot be fully refunded
- Dealing with postgraduate studies as follows Days (Sunday – Monday) dealing with internal specialties only Days (Tuesday – Wednesday) Dealing with surgical specialties only
- To find out the required documents, please enter here