
The Demerdash Hospital was established in 1930, then the Faculty of Medicine  was affiliated to the hospital in 1947, then Ain Shams University, which the faculty joined in 1950.

 It is one of the oldest faculties of medicine in the history of Egypt, and one of the most distinguished in teaching, scientific research, and community service locally, regionally and even globally. 

In light of the national trends to encourage educational tourism in Egypt since the launch of the Ministry of Higher Education’s “Study in Egypt” initiative and the influx of foreign students to join the Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University, the idea of scientific exchange was proposed to be a parallel program for study and practical training in the short term. 

In the framework of achieving this vision, the faculty received many foreign students, whose number increased from 10 in 2020-2021 to more than 70 students and doctors in 2022-2023 in various academic years and graduates from different countries around the world. 

The scientific exchange program is based on providing the best services for foreign students, facilitating their affairs and coordinating the appropriate training for them at the hospital.