Healthcare Quality Unit (HcQua)

Healthcare quality unit has been established in 1999 at Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine aiming at improving the quality of health services provided at Ain shams University hospitals. The Scope then extended to cover other levels of health services in both public and private sectors.



In recent years, the quality-of-service delivery has become an important focus of attention for everyone employed in health care. There are two reasons behind increasing interest in quality; the first one is increasing in costs of health care in presence of rising demands and limited resources. The second is the great variation in quality of medical performance and outcomes in different health organization.

Quality in health care is concerned with doing the right things right consistently to ensure, the best possible clinical outcomes for patients, satisfaction for all our customers, retention of the talented staff, and sound financial performance.

The aim of quality management process is to help every person in the service to take responsibility for controlling quality and enable them to use quality methods to improve the process for delivering the service



Healthcare Quality Unit/Ain Shams Faculty of Medicine will be a recognized center in providing training, research and consultation that qualifies healthcare providers and institutions to improve and maintain quality of service delivery



The mission of healthcare quality unit is to improve the quality of services at health facilities through training, consultation, research conduction and integrating quality component in medical education.


– Raise the awareness among workers in the health care field to ensure continuous improvement of the quality and safety of health care

– Cooperation with the concerned authorities for recalling and development of human resources which work in the health field in the Arab world.

– Coordination with departments, units, and other scientific and medical associations to put standards for the quality to keep pace with the international standards and to be suitable for the local environment.

– Continuous improvement of the quality of health services.

Function of the unit


I. Training of healthcare provider

– The aim is to build up the capacities of healthcare providers to be able to lead the quality activities in health institutions

II. Education

– Integrate healthcare quality component in undergraduate and postgraduate studies

III. Research

– In the field of health services and quality

IV. Consultation

– Provide consultation to healthcare organization in the fields of:

i. Insititulization of quality

ii. Developing policies and procedures, clinical guidelines and quality plans.

iii. Developing and using key performance indicators

iv. Preparation for accreditation

v. Conducting mock survey in compliance with the standards


– Provide consultation to national and regonal accrediting bodies in:

i. Development, reviewing, and updating of of the standards

ii. Development of policies and procedures of the accrediting body

iii. Training of surveyors



Past- Experience of the Unit


I. Developing training curricula, organizing and Conducting training courses


a. Healthcare Quality Management for :

i. Quality coordinators and hospital facilitators of MOHP in collaboration with General Directorate of Quality, MOHP

ii. Hospital Mangers in collaboration with National Training Institute, MOHP

iii. General Mangers of Medical Directorate in collaboration with National Training Institute, MOHP

iv. Quality Committees of Mental Hospitals in collaboration with Mental Health Program

v. Quality Committees of Ain Shams University Hospitals

vi. Quality managers of some Arab countries as required and funded by EMRO/WHO.


b. Basic Medical Statistics for Clinicians at Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University


c. Advanced Medical Statistics in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


d. Strategic Hopsital Management in collaboration with Faculties from Boston University, USA


e. Annual Orientation program for newly hired physicians at Ain Shams University Hospitals


f. Medical record for directors and workers of medical record departments


g. Surveying process for a group of Saudanees surveyors as required by Saudan Ministry of Health and funded by EMRO/ WHO.


h. Accreditation and Standards interperation for hospital managers and staff in collaboration with General Directorate of Quality , MOHP


i. Standards interpertation and surveying proces for Syrian candidates from Syria Ministry of Health in collaboration with General Directorate of Quality , MOHP


j. Standards interperation for quality managers of military hospitals


k. Hospital inspection for hospital inspictors in collaboration with General Directorate of Quality , MOHP


l. Health Administration for Saudi candidates from Saudi Ministry of Health



II. Conducting national and international conferences:

a. First International Conference on Hospital Management, 16-18 Jan. 2001, Sheraton, Heliopolis, Cairo.


b. Annually Conducting a session on a topic relevant to healthcare quality within the annual medical confernce of Ain Shams Faculty of Medicne


III. Integrating healthcare quality concepts and patient safety in the undergraduate curriculum of Community Medicine.


IV. Developing Master and Diploma degrees in healthcare quality in the postgraduate curriculum of Ain Shams Medical School starting on 2010.


V. Developing Doctor degree in healthcare quality in the postgraduate curriculum of Ain Shams Medical School starting on 2016.


VI. Conducting research:

a. Appropriateness evaluation of general hospital utilization, funded by EMRO/WHO.

b. Evaluation of accreditation program in NGOs health units In Egypt: short term outcomes

c. Developing chemical safety program for Ain Shams Matenity Hospital.

d. Developing severity adjusted quality measures for ICU

e. Developing applicable set of quality indicators for monitoring hospital infection control program in a developing country

f. Medication administration errors in Ain Shams University Hospital.

g. A Study of rate and predictors of fall among elderly patients in Ain Shams University Hospital.

h. Averting risk of errors associated with infusion therapy in an Intensive Care Unit using Failure Mode And Effects Analysis.

i. Use of abbreviations in medical records In a university hospital. Prescription errors in family practies in accredited and non accredited health facilities.

j. Impact of accreditation on emergency room cycle time.

k. Studying impact of home health care on hospital readmission rate in prince sultan military medical city, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

l. Propotion, causes and associations of operation cancellation at Cardiothoracic Hospital, Ain Shams University

m. Studying the impact of accreditation on patient safety culture and identify factors affecting safety culture.

n. Patients’ experiences in accreditation and non-accredited hospitals

o. Resistance to change among healthcare providers at Damanhour Teaching Hospital: a base line data

p. Incidence and association between patient safety indicators and clinical outcomes at Cardio-thoracic surgery hospital.


VII. Providing Consultation

a. For Ain Shams University Hospitals(ASUHs): organizing and implementing a Performance Improvement Program at Ain Shams University Hospitals.

i. Preparation of Ain Shams University Hospitals to comply with accreditation standards.

b. For General Directorate of Quality, MOHP: national quality improvement

c. For the National program of Accreditation

d. For the Arab quality improvement project: partcipating in putting the Arab standards, review the Arab standards, develop the surveyor guide, and put the strategic and action plan.


VIII. Surveying Healthcare Facilities

a. Participating in surveying Family health Units for Accreditation in collaboration with Generate Directorate of Quality

b. Participating in pre accreiditation survey of public hopsitals in collaboration with Generate Directorate of Quality

c. Internally surveying all hospitals of Ain shams university


IX. Organizing and implementing a series of workshops to develop “National Quality Policies” in Collaboration with EMRO/WHO and MOHP, 2003-2004.

Contact information

– Prof. Dr. Mahi Al-Tehewy

– Prof. Dr. Ehab Shehab

– Secretary: Mr. Maged Faied Tel: 24837888 or 227853276.

– E-mail:



Vision & Mission




Clinical Services


Community Services


Fellowships and Observerships


National and International Collaboration



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