تنظم وحدة مكافحة العدوي بمستشفيات جماعة عين شمس بالتنسيق مع قسم طب المجتمع والبيئة وطب الصناعات بكلية الطب يوم للتطعيم ضد فيروس الكبدي ب يوم الاحد 22 يناير
24 January
19 August
The Department of Community, Occupational, and Environmental Medicine has a data management center with specialized biostatisticians, trained data interviewers, and data entry personnel with more than 15 years of experience in running research projects. Our team creates databases, data cleaning systems, and supply researchers with necessary statistical packages. In addition,…
17 August
Schedule Course Reservation Date Exam Date 1 44213 44230 2 44272 44298 3 44333 44351 4 44358 44374 5 44381 44402 Registration Registration (access from the department?) Registration will be through a Microsoft or Google form that contains 3 inputs: Name Mobile number E-mail The form will be edited by…