- Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery 1987
- Master of Science on Neurology and Psychiatry (M.Sc.) 1991
- Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) on Neurology 1996
Current Position: Professor of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
Skills & Interests
-Pediatric neurology.
-Epilepsy and EEG
-Video monitoring in Epileptic patient
-Sleep Disorders
– M.Sc. Thesis: “Sleep disorders in Neuropsychiatric Diseases” (1989)
– M. D. Thesis: “Sleep Disturbances in Parkinsonism” (1997)
1987: Graduated from Faculty of Medicine
1988: Passed one year as House Office in Ain Shams University Hospital
1989 : Started the Career as Resident of Neurology and Psychiatry for three years in Ain Shams University Hospital, trained on Clinical Psychiatry and Neurology. Prepared the M.Sc. Thesis on “Sleep disorders in Neuropsychiatric Diseases”
1992: Passed the examination for the Master Degree and promoted for the position of Assistant lecturer of Neurology, Ain Shams University.
Continued to practice in Clinical Neurology in Ain Shams Specialized Hospital and in the Stroke Unit as a member of stroke unit team.
Continued to practice Electro Encephalography (EEG) in Ain Shams University and Ain Shams Specialized Hospital.
1997: Finished the M. D. Thesis on “Sleep Disturbances in Parkinsonism” and passed the M. D. Degree on Neurology and promoted to a job of lecturer of Neurology in Ain Shams University.
2002 : Promoted to job of assisted prof. of neurology in Ain Shams University.
2007: Promoted as professor of neurology, Ain Shams University.—till now.
2013 – Now: the founder of Paediatric Neurology clinic in ASU specialized hospital. Worked as the Head of Neuro-critical care unit in ASU specialized hospital for two years.
I worked at the Neurodisability center of the Childhood Institute at ASU for one year.
I joined the paediatric neurology clinic at Wadi El Nile hospital about one and half years ago